Actionable tips, practical advice and honest opinions. From a couple that walks the talk.

Subscription Form - Sustainable Travel Checklist

Download your Sustainable Travel Checklist and show the world you care

As travellers, we should all be aware of our travel behaviour and its environmental, economic and social impact; and make conscious decisions about it. Too often, we hear negative stories in the media about tourists behaving badly.

Here is your chance to tick some boxes and check out what it really takes to travel with a sustainable mindset.

Couple enjoying travels, Northern Lights, joyful moments, and passports.

About Us

Hi there, we are Paul and Sandra, a Gen X couple passionate about life and our beautiful planet. Location-independent since 2016, we share what it takes to

  • create a simpler, more sustainable and balanced life, and
  • travel more authentically and respectfully.

Come and join us and experience more (of life and our world)
by living with less (stuff / distractions / waste)
and choosing better (that is, ethically and sustainably).

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Welcome to Minimalist Journeys’ recommendations for conscious consumers. We have researched and vetted ethical and sustainable products for all aspects of your life. Make informed choices for a better world.